Rosa's Coffee
Rosa's Coffee
Meet Rosa, our second partner-farmer.
This is her son, Nolberto.
Rosa's Coffee
Rosa's Coffee
Rosa's Coffee
Rosa's Coffee
Rosa's Coffee

Rosa's Coffee

Village: Bajo Ihuamaca, Peru

More about Rosa ↴

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Jennifer L.

This is our favorite coffee. Thank you, Rosa. These are the real magic beans right here.

What is it about this coffee?

We have been purchasing Rosa's for 2 years. Every time we try a different bean, we are so let down. This is simply the best coffee we have ever had.

Erin Rudegeair
Simply the best

Rosa's coffee is our absolute favorite! Every time we run out and have to get some other brand, it doesn't even compare. I blame her coffee for turning us into coffee snobs, but I appreciate her so much every cup of it I drink!!

Wayne Dailey
Rosa's Coffee

W. Dailey

Donna Tucker

Rosa's Coffee

Brought to you from just outside the beautiful town of San Ignacio, this coffee has a strong aroma and sweet aftertaste. With strong floral notes and hints of brown sugar and chocolate, Rosa’s coffee delivers a very clean, bright and satisfying cup!

Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, almond, brown sugar, caramel, grape and roses.
Community: San Ignacio
Region: Cajamarca
Country: Peru
Varieties: 60% Bourbon, 20% Caturra, 20% Catimor
Process: Washed
Elevation: 5,085 feet (1,550 meters)

Sustainability Report for Rosa (2018)

About Rosa's Coffee ↴

Brought to you from just outside the beautiful town of San Ignacio, this coffee has a strong aroma and sweet aftertaste. With strong floral notes and hints of brown sugar and chocolate, Rosa’s coffee delivers a very clean, bright and satisfying cup!

Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, almond, brown sugar, caramel, grape and roses.
Community: San Ignacio
Region: Cajamarca
Country: Peru
Varieties: 60% Bourbon, 20% Caturra, 20% Catimor
Process: Washed
Elevation: 5,085 feet (1,550 meters)

Meet Rosa's Family in 360° ↴

Where's Rosa From? ↴

Transparency + Impact ↴

Sustainability Report for Rosa (2018)

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